June 2011 Progress Note
Dearest Ones,
A month of much work, many blessings, yet many challenges has June, 2011 proved to be at Tanzania Christian Clinic (TCC). At the clinic this month were two pre-med students and one physician’s assistant from the Northport congregation in Tuscaloosa, AL. Also donating their week-long services for the second year are two wonderful dentists and their assistant from Oklahoma, Drs. Danny and Cathy Fuchs and Vernetta Felton. Completing their work at the clinic tomorrow, next week these wonderful servants of Jesus will be sharing the Good News and conducting Bible studies. Great thanks to each of you for reaching out with the compassionate heart and hands of Jesus.
Continuing the desperately needed dental services next month will be our son-in-law and daughter, Dr. Jason White and Lauren S. White. Working here July 5-28, they hope to offer dental care at TCC as well as in some remote locations via mobile clinics. Also visiting during this time will be Beth Gould, physical therapist, Dr. Bobby Beasley, orthopedic surgeon, and his nurse to assess the Tanzanians’ needs.
But all this physical help for the Africans will be of little consequence unless it can be a means of opening hearts to Jesus. We are rejoicing that folks seem to be getting the idea that those at TCC care. Two different groups—some, patients at the clinic and others, visitors at church–have lately expressed a desire to become Christians, yet seemed to lack understanding of what that commitment means. In progress are Bible studies with these folks, one finishing just a little while ago. Also, while we were in the USA, Rick and Cynthia Nobles tirelessly worked here at TCC, sharing Jesus with many. In addition, they hosted Dave and Janice Goolsby (Healing Hands. Nashville, TN), and their staff, who taught 50-60 local citizens drip irrigation and innovative food preservation. As a result, farming and food preserving techniques have improved locally, the name of Jesus has spread even further, and 12 of those who studied w/ the Nobles surrendered to Jesus’ Lordship, being immersed into Him in TCC’s baptistery.
And those baptisms are nothing to sneeze at—or maybe they are, since we in the Southern Hemisphere are in winter and the little water that finds its way down the surrounding mountains is cold, indeed! Bringing out the snakes, this dry, cool, weather is responsible for the recent discoveries of a six-foot black mamba and several cobras. As I tremble at those finds I try to remember many of you packing items for the big container which should arrive at TCC in August or September. Many of you gave generously to defray shipping costs; others donated badly needed items, including a highly-prized X-ray machine. To run this dandy piece of equipment plus provide power to the clinic and houses is another recent arrival—a large yellow generator, standing proud watch behind and above TCC, given generously by John and Edie Carlton and others. How can we ever adequately thank you?
Lastly, next month we anticipate beginning Reproductive and Child Health Services at TCC, including prenatal care, well-baby checks, care of sick infants and children, and immunizations. Although we already offer these services, the TZ government has offered to partner with TCC, providing us a gas-powered refrigerator, all immunization materials, and a government-paid RN. What a blessing!
Our love to each of you,
Danny and Nancy Smelser